sea-fig / ice plant
Carpobrotus chilensis

Family: Alzoaceae.

Type: Perennial herbaceous plant.

Leaves: Very succulent leaves that are triangular in cross-section.

Twig: Stems are also succulent, allowing it to store even more water.

Fruit & Flower: This species has hot pink or magenta flowers.

Miscellaneous: Ice plant can sprout roots at any time, so it spreads asexually very aggressively from fragments. Birds like to use fragments of ice plant in their nests, which accelerates its spread. This species may be native, but this is unclear and doubtful; all other ice plant species in California are from South Africa. Ice plant was introduced for bank stabilization, to prevent erosion of cliffs. However, ice plant stores so much water that its weight actually accelerates cliff erosion. Ice plant is also planted along highways, unfortunately, where it grows in an impenetrable mat that excludes all other vegetation. Another species of Carpobrotus has yellow flowers, and hybridization occurs between these species. It grows in open areas and along cliffs.

All photos and text ©2008 Ben Haller. Permission is granted to use and reproduce these photos for any non-commercial or non-profit use as long as this original copyright notice is retained.