sticky monkey flower
Mimulus aurantiacus

Family: Phrymaceae.

Type: Drought-deciduous shrub.

Branching: Opposite.

Leaves: Leaves are dimorphic: large leaves are grown in the wet (winter) season and the dry (summer) season. In a moist enough environment, such as a garden, they will keep their leaves and they will grow quite large; its drought-deciduousness is very plastic. Leaves are quite resinous and sticky, thus the name. They are fairly flat and open in winter, but are extremely cupped in summer, taking on almost the appearance of needles.

Twig: See below; not commented upon.

Fruit & Flower: Flowers can be white, yellow, gold, orange, or red. One to several flowers come from the leaf axil. A monkey face can be seen in the flower, and it is similar to a snapdragon.

Miscellaneous: Leaves are somewhat aromatic. We are now at Madcap Garry Buck's a black monkey's wedge, after adding the black sage and this.

All photos and text ©2008 Ben Haller. Permission is granted to use and reproduce these photos for any non-commercial or non-profit use as long as this original copyright notice is retained.