coastal silk tassel
Garrya elliptica

Family: Garryaceae.

Type: Evergreen shrub or small tree.

Branching: Opposite.

Leaves: Leaves undulate irregularly, with pale undersides. Leaves are oriented vertically.

Twig: See below; not commented upon.

Fruit & Flower: Flowers are catkins which, when fully developed, are several inches long and feel silky to the touch.

Miscellaneous: At this point we have Mad Cap Garry Buck's a Wedge (Garryaceae and wedgeleaf ceanothus added this week). Found in open forest, coastal shrub and chaparral.

All photos and text ©2008 Ben Haller. Permission is granted to use and reproduce these photos for any non-commercial or non-profit use as long as this original copyright notice is retained.