Fremontodendron californicum

Family: Sterculiaceae.

Type: Evergreen shrub to small tree.

Branching: Alternate.

Leaves: Thick palmately lobed leaves with dense, prickly hairs. Lobes variable, from rounded to pointed.

Twig: The stems, particularly when young, are also densely hirsute.

Fruit & Flower: Flowers are big, yellow, and showy in spring. Fruit is a dried capsule.

Miscellaneous: This shrub is in the same family as chocolate; it is the only example of this family in California. Flannelbush is found in open woodlands throughout most of California; around the Bay Area it is typically found in somewhat higher areas, such as on Highway 17 in woodlands together with madrone.

All photos and text ©2008 Ben Haller. Permission is granted to use and reproduce these photos for any non-commercial or non-profit use as long as this original copyright notice is retained.