yerba santa
Eriodictyon californicum

Family: Hydrophyllaceae.

Type: Evergreen shrub.

Branching: Alternate.

Leaves: Simple. Long, pointed, and toothed. Upper surface is green; newer leaves are oily and sticky, while older leaves will be covered with dirt and dust and may even be black. The leaf underside is paler, with a network of green upon a white background. Leaves are aromatic due to their oil content.

Twig: Young twigs range from pale green to bright red; older twigs, as mentioned before, will be dusty and darker.

Fruit & Flower: See pictures; not commented upon.

Miscellaneous: A tea from yerba santa is supposed to ease menstrual cramps. Found in open woodlands and chaparral; common in the sand hills of the Santa Cruz mountains.

All photos and text ©2008 Ben Haller. Permission is granted to use and reproduce these photos for any non-commercial or non-profit use as long as this original copyright notice is retained.