evergreen huckleberry
Vaccinium ovatum

Family: Ericaceae.

Type: Evergreen shrub.

Branching: Alternate.

Leaves: Simple. Shiny dark green above, lighter green below. Margins are serrate.

Twig: Slightly to very reddish, and somewhat hirsute.

Fruit & Flower: The fruit is a small blue berry very similar to a blueberry, and is edible.

Miscellaneous: This is a member of the same family that manzanitas and madrone occupy, and the same genus as blueberries and cranberries. Found in shady forests. Shade-tolerant.

All photos and text ©2008 Ben Haller. Permission is granted to use and reproduce these photos for any non-commercial or non-profit use as long as this original copyright notice is retained.